Information schema for engine user query history

The system table information_schema.engine_user_query_history is a view, which is a virtual table based on ENGINE_QUERY_HISTORY. It applies filters to only show queries that were made by actual users.

Queries generated by the system, such as those from connectors, drivers, or SDKs, are marked with the boolean HTTP header Firebolt-Machine-Query. These system queries can include actions such UI page loads or query progress updates. These queries do not appear in information_schema.engine_user_query_history, but are available in ENGINE_QUERY_HISTORY, which acts as a complete audit log.


Columns in information_schema.engine_user_query_history

Each row contains columns with detailed information about each query in the history. This schema has the same structure and information as ENGINE_QUERY_HISTORY.

Column Name Data Type Description
account_name TEXT The name of the account in which the query was run.
user_name TEXT The user name used to run the query. The user name is provided for account-level operations but is NULL for organization-level operations.
login_name TEXT The login name that was used to run the query. The login_name is provided for organization-level statements, and is otherwise NULL.
service_account_name TEXT The service account name that was used to run the query. The service_account_name is provided for organization-level statements, and otherwise NULL.
submitted_time TIMESTAMPTZ The time that the query was submitted by the user.
start_time TIMESTAMPTZ The query start time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
end_time TIMESTAMPTZ The query completion time in UTC.
duration_us BIGINT The duration of query run time. (microseconds).
status TEXT Possible values include:
STARTED_EXECUTION– The query started successfully.
ENDED_SUCCESSFULLY– The query completed successfully.
CANCELED_EXECUTION– The query was canceled.
PARSE_ERROR– The query could not be parsed.
EXECUTION_ERROR– The query failed during runtime.
request_id TEXT The ID of the request from which the query originates.
query_id TEXT The unique identifier of the SQL query.
query_label TEXT A user-provided query label.
query_text TEXT The text of the SQL statement.
query_text_normalized TEXT The normalized text of the SQL statement.
query_text_normalized_hash TEXT The hash of the normalized text of the SQL statement.
error_message TEXT The returned error message.
scanned_rows BIGINT The total number of rows scanned.
scanned_bytes BIGINT The total number of bytes scanned from both cache and storage.
inserted_rows BIGINT The total number of rows written.
inserted_bytes BIGINT The total number of bytes written to both cache and storage.
spilled_bytes BIGINT The total number of uncompressed bytes spilled.
total_ram_consumed BIGINT The total number of bytes in RAM consumed by the engine during the query process.
returned_rows BIGINT The total number of rows returned from the query.
returned_bytes BIGINT The total number of bytes returned from the query.
time_in_queue_us BIGINT The number of microseconds the query spent in queue.
retries BIGINT The total number of retries to run a given query after a failure. By default, the number of retries is 0, and the number increases with each retry.