Returns the common (base 10) logarithm of a numerical expression, or the logarithm to an arbitrary base if specified as the first argument. The value for which log is computed needs to be larger than 0, otherwise an error is returned. If a base is provided, it also needs to be larger than 0 and not equal to 1. You can use the function LN to compute the natural logarithm (base e).

Alias: LOG10 (does not support a custom base argument)


LOG([<base>,] <value>);


Parameter Description Supported input types
<base> Optional. The base for the logarithm. The default base is 10. DOUBLE PRECISION
<value> The value for which to compute the logarithm. DOUBLE PRECISION

Return Type



The following example returns the logarithm of 64.0 to base 2:

Interactive SQL Playground 🔥
SELECT LOG(2, 64.0);
Rows: 1 Time: 9.02ms

The following example returns the logarithm of 100.0 to the default base 10:

Interactive SQL Playground 🔥
SELECT LOG(100.0), LOG10(100.0);
Rows: 1 Time: 12.23ms

The logarithm can only be computed for values that are larger than 0. All the following functions return an error:

Interactive SQL Playground 🔥
-- SELECT LOG(-1.0);
-- SELECT LOG('-Inf');
Line 1, Column 8: Cannot take the logarithm of 0. The argument needs to be larger than 0.

When a base is provided, it needs to be positive and not equal to zero. All the following functions return an error:

Interactive SQL Playground 🔥
SELECT LOG(0.0, 10.0);
-- SELECT LOG(-1.0, 10.0);
-- SELECT LOG(1.0, 10.0);
-- SELECT LOG('-Inf', 10.0);
Line 1, Column 8: Cannot take the logarithm of base 0. The base needs to be larger than 0 but not 1.