Information schema for catalogs

You can use the information_schema.catalogs view to get information about catalogs (databases in SQL terminology). You can use a SELECT query to return information about each database as shown in the example below.


Columns in information_schema.catalogs

Each row has the following columns with information about the database.

Column Name Data Type Description
catalog_name TEXT Name of the database.
default_collation TEXT Always ‘POSIX’.
default_character_set TEXT Always ‘UTF-8’.
description TEXT The description of the database.
created TIMESTAMPTZ The time the database was created.
ddl TEXT The text of the SQL statement that created the database.
catalog_owner TEXT The owner of the database, NULL if there is none.
last_altered TIMESTAMPTZ Time the database was last altered.
last_altered_by TEXT Name of the last user to alter the database.