Object identifers
Firebolt object identifiers are used to refer to database items such as columns, tables, indexes, views, and engines.
Identifiers must contain at least one character, and no more than 255
characters total.
Unquoted identifiers
Unquoted identifiers must adhere to the following syntax:
- The first character must be a letter (a-z), or an underscore (
). - After the first character, subsequent characters can include letters, underscores, or digits (0-9).
Firebolt evaluates unquoted identifiers such as table and column names entirely in lowercase. The following queries:
SELECT my_column FROM my_table
are all equivalent to:
SELECT my_column FROM my_table
You can keep uppercase identifiers by enclosing them in double-quotes. For example, the following identifiers are unique:
Quoted identifiers
Quoted identifiers can contain any UTF-8 characters of the following Unicode general category values:
- Any letter in any language, as represented by the Unicode general category value for Letter.
- Any numeric character in any language as represented by the Unicode general category value for Number.
- Special characters beyond standard alphanumeric characters. Examples include
, and others. Any object identifier that contains special characters, spaces, or are case-sensitive must be enclosed in double quotes ("
) as follows:"my-column"
. - Underscores, as represented by the Unicode general category value for Connector_Punctuation.
User names
User names must conform to the following rules:
- They must be between 3 to 63 characters in length.
- They can contain alphanumeric characters including upper and lowercase letters and numbers.
- The first and last characters must be either a letter or a digit.
- You can use the following special characters:
@ ! # $ % & ' * + - = ? ^ _ ` { | } ~ .
- You can not use consecutive dots (..).