Object identifers

Firebolt identifiers can refer to the following items:

  • Columns
  • Tables
  • Indexes
  • Databases
  • Views
  • Engines


Identifiers must contain at least one character, and no more than 255.

Unquoted identifiers must adhere to the following syntax:

  1. The first character must be a letter (a-z), underscore (_).
  2. After the first character, subsequent characters can be letters, underscores, digits (0-9).

Qouted identifiers can contain any UTF-8 letter of the following:

  1. Any letter in any language, as represented by the Unicode regular expression \p{L}.
  2. Any numeric character in any language as represented by the Unicode regular expression \p{N}.
  3. Hyphen or dash, as represented by the Unicode regular expression \p{Pd}.
  4. Underscores, as represented by the Unicode regular expression \p{Pc}.

Unquoted identifiers

Firebolt evaluates unquoted identifiers such as table and column names entirely in lowercase. The following queries:

SELECT my_column FROM my_table

are all equivalent to:

SELECT my_column FROM my_table

Unquoted identifiers in some early Firebolt accounts may be case sensitive.

You can keep uppercase identifiers by enclosing them in double-quotes. For example, the following identifiers are unique:
