Converts a string to DATE type using format.


TO_DATE(<expression> [,'<format>'])


Parameter Description Supported input types
<expression> The text to convert to a date. If no optional <format> argument is given that can be used to parse the <expression>, the following formats are supported: 'YYYY-M[M]-D[D]' (e.g., 2023-3-28), 'YYYY-month-D[D]' (e.g., 2023-FEB-12), 'month-D[D]-YYYY' (e.g., Dec-01-2023), 'D[D]-month-YYYY' (e.g., 3-jun-2023), and 'month D[D], YYYY' (e.g., august 12, 2023) TEXT
<format> Optional. A string literal that specifies the format of the <expression> to convert. TEXT (see below)

Accepted <format> patterns include the following specifications:

Format option Description Example
YYYY Year (4 or more digits) TO_DATE('2023', 'YYYY'); --> '2023-01-01'
YYY Last 3 digits of year TO_DATE('2023', 'YYY'); --> '2023-01-01'
YY Last 2 digits of year TO_DATE('2023', 'YY'); --> '2023-01-01'
Y Last digit of year TO_DATE('2023', 'Y'); --> '2023-01-01'
MONTH Full month name (case insensitive) TO_DATE('august', 'MONTH'); --> '0001-08-01'
MON abbreviated month name (3 chars, case insensitive) TO_DATE('dec', 'MON'); --> '0001-12-01'
MM Month number (01–12) TO_DATE('7', 'MM'); --> '0001-07-01'
DD Day of month (01–31) TO_DATE('15', 'DD'); --> '0001-01-15'

Usage notes for formatting

  • Case letters in the input <expression> are ignored
  • A separator (non-digit and non-letter) in the <format> string will match exactly one separator or is skipped
  • Any non-separator in the <format> that is not part of a format option will match exactly one other character.
  • Any character in quotes " will match exactly one other character.
  • If the year format specification is 'YYY', 'YY', or 'Y' and the supplied year is less than four digits, the year will be adjusted to be nearest to the year 2020, (e.g., 80 becomes 1980).
  • More specification, such as 'HH', 'MI', or, 'TZH', are accepted but ignored for purposes of computing the DATE result.
  • Modifiers (e.g., 'FM') are not supported.

Some additional format patterns are reserved but currently not implemented: FF1, FF2, FF3, FF4, FF5, FF6, SSSS, SSSSS, IYYY, IYY, IY, I, BC, AD, B_DOT_C_DOT, A_DOT_D_DOT, DAY, DY, DDD, IDDD, D, ID, W, WW, IW, CC, J, Q. Using them in the format string raises an error.

Return Type



The following example shows that separators and non-separators can cause skips. The separator ' ' (space) in the <format> matches the other separator '/' in the <expression>. The non-separator 'x' will match any other character, in this case the 'a'. Lastly, the two separators '++' will match up to two other separators, here the first 'x' matches '.' while the second 'x' will simply be ignored as no other separators follow.

Interactive SQL Playground 🔥
SELECT TO_DATE('2023/aJUN.23', 'YYYY xMON++DD');

The following example shows how the year is adjusted to be nearest to 2020 because YYY was used to match a number that contains less than four digits. To receive the exact year '180' use YYYY instead. Furthermore, as the three separators are quotes "..." they will match any character (separator or non-separator) which in this case is 'ar '.

Interactive SQL Playground 🔥
SELECT TO_DATE('Year 180: August 4th', 'xx"..."yyy: month DDxx');