Information schema for transitive_applicable_roles

information_schema.transitive_applicable_roles shows every role in the account and all its grantees (i.e. users or other roles to whom the role is granted).

Unlike, information_schema.applicable_roles that shows only direct grantees, information_schema.transitive_applicable_roles also shows indirect grantees. For example, if role engineer is granted to role manager and role manager is granted to user alice then user alice is a direct grantee of manager and an indirect grantee of engineer.

You can use a SELECT query to return information about each role as shown in the example below.


See also information_schema.applicable_roles here.

Read more about RBAC roles here.

Columns in information_schema.transitive_applicable_roles

Each row has the following columns with information about the role.

Column Name Data Type Description
grantee TEXT User or role to whom the role is granted (directly or indirectly).
role_name TEXT Name of the role.
is_grantable TEXT YES if the grantee has the admin option on the role, NO if not.
created TIMESTAMPTZ Creation time of the role.