A table-valued function (TVF) that accepts a URL to an Amazon bucket containing CSV files, credentials and CSV configuration options. READ_CSV returns a table with data from the specified CSV file, where each cell is read as TEXT.


    url => <file_url>
    [, compression => <file_compression>]
    [, aws_access_key_id => <aws_access_key_id>]
    [, aws_secret_access_key => <aws_secret_access_key>]
    [, aws_session_token => <aws_session_token>]
    [, header => <csv_has_header_row>]
    [, delimiter => <field_delimiter>]
    [, quote => { "'" | '"' | SINGLE_QUOTE | DOUBLE_QUOTE}]
    [, null_string => <null_string>]
    [, escape => <escape_character>]
    [, skip_blank_lines => <skip_blank_lines>]
    [, empty_field_as_null => <empty_field_as_null>]


Parameter Description Supported input types
<url> The location of the Amazon S3 bucket containing your files. The expected format is s3://{bucket_name}/{full_file_path}. TEXT
<compression> The compression type of the input file. If compression is not set, compression is inferred from the file extension. TEXT
<aws_access_key_id> The AWS access key ID. TEXT
<aws_secret_access_key> The AWS secret access key. TEXT
<aws_session_token> The AWS session token. TEXT
<header> Set to TRUE if the first row of the CSV file contains a header row containing the column names. TEXT
<delimiter> Specify the character used to separate fields. The default delimiter is a comma (,). TEXT
<quote> Specify the character used for quoting fields. The default is double quote ("). If a single quote is specified, the quote character will be set to ('). Accepts only DOUBLE_QUOTE, SINGLE_QUOTE, ', or ". TEXT
<null_string> Specify the string used to represent NULL values. The default is an empty string, which means that empty strings are interpreted as null values. TEXT
<escape> Specify the character used to escape special characters. The default character is the quote (') character. TEXT
<skip_blank_lines> Set to TRUE to ignore blank lines in the file. BOOL
<empty_field_as_null> Specify whether empty fields should be interpreted as NULL values. The default is TRUE. If set to FALSE, empty fields are interpreted as empty strings. BOOL

The following apply:

  • The url can be passed as either the first positional parameter or a named parameter. For example, the following two queries will both read the same file:

      SELECT * FROM READ_CSV(url => 's3://firebolt-publishing-public/help_center_assets/firebolt_sample_dataset/levels.csv');
      SELECT * FROM READ_CSV('s3://firebolt-publishing-public/help_center_assets/firebolt_sample_dataset/levels.csv');
  • All parameters, except for url, are optional.

  • Parameters must be named using the following syntax: =>.

  • If you provide either aws_access_key_id or aws_secret_access_key, you must provide both. Providing an AWS session token is optional.

Return Type

The result is a table with the data from the CSV file. Each cell is read as a TEXT.


Query: In the following example, the url is set as the first positional parameter and reads a CSV file.

SELECT * FROM READ_CSV('s3://firebolt-publishing-public/help_center_assets/firebolt_sample_dataset/levels.csv');


f0 f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8
LevelID GameID Level Name LevelType NextLevel MinPointsToPass MaxPoints NumberOfLaps
1 1 1 Thunderbolt Circuit FastestLap 2 5 20 5
2 1 2 Velocity Vale FirstToComplete 3 15 30 10
3 1 3 Raceway Ridge FastestLap 4 25 40 20
4 1 4 Nitro Narrows FirstToComplete 5 60 100 10
5 1 5 Thunder Road FirstToComplete 6 80 150 15
6 1 6 Burnout Boulevard Drift 7 50 80 8
7 1 7 Speed Street FastestLap 8 40 70 7
8 1 8 Racing Ravine FastestLap 9 60 100 20
9 1 9 Drift District Drift 10 100 250 25
10 1 10 Acceleration Alley FirstToComplete null 200 500 50

Query: The following example accepts url as a named parameter and reads a CSV file with column names in the first row:

SELECT * FROM READ_CSV(url => 's3://firebolt-publishing-public/help_center_assets/firebolt_sample_dataset/levels.csv', 
        header => true);


LevelID GameID Level Name LevelType NextLevel MinPointsToPass MaxPoints NumberOfLaps
1 1 Thunderbolt Circuit FastestLap 2 5 20 5 20
2 1 Velocity Vale FirstToComplete 3 15 30 10 10
3 1 Raceway Ridge FastestLap 4 25 40 20 20
4 1 Nitro Narrows FirstToComplete 5 60 100 10 10
5 1 Thunder Road FirstToComplete 6 80 150 15 15
6 1 Burnout Boulevard Drift 7 50 80 8 8
7 1 Speed Street FastestLap 8 40 70 7 7
8 1 Racing Ravine FastestLap 9 60 100 20 20
9 1 Drift District Drift 10 100 250 25 25
10 1 Acceleration Alley FirstToComplete null 200 500 50 50

Query: The following example reads a CSV with headers and reads empty values as empty strings, rather than null values:

SELECT * FROM READ_CSV(url => 's3://firebolt-publishing-public/help_center_assets/firebolt_sample_dataset/levels.csv',
        header => true, empty_field_as_null => false);


LevelID GameID Level Name LevelType
1 1 Thunderbolt Circuit FastestLap 2
2 1 Velocity Vale FirstToComplete 3
3 1 Raceway Ridge FastestLap 4
4 1 Nitro Narrows FirstToComplete 5
5 1 Thunder Road FirstToComplete 6
6 1 Burnout Boulevard Drift 7
7 1 Speed Street FastestLap 8
8 1 Racing Ravine FastestLap 9
9 1 Drift District Drift 10
10 1 Acceleration Alley FirstToComplete