SQL functions

See a full function glossary, or find functions based on type from the list below.

  • Aggregation functions
    Perform a calculation across a set of rows, returning a single value.

  • Array functions
    Used for the manipulation and querying of ARRAY-type data, such as transforming and filtering. Includes Lambda functions.

  • Binary functions Used for manipulation and querying of BYTEA-type data, such as encoding and decoding.

  • Conditional and miscellaneous functions
    Include various methods for modifying data types and applying conditional operations.

  • DataSketches functions Apache Datasketches is a library designed to efficiently summarize and analyze large-scale data using probabilistic data structures known as sketches. These sketches provide approximate answers to complex queries, such as distinct counting, quantile estimation, and frequency estimation, with high accuracy and significantly reduced memory usage. This makes Datasketches ideal for big data applications where traditional exact methods are impractical due to time or space constraints.

  • Date and time functions
    Manipulate date and time data types.

  • JSON functions
    Extract and transform JSON into Firebolt native types, or JSON sub-objects. Used either during the ELT process or applied to columns storing JSON objects as plain TEXT

  • Numerical functions
    Manipulate data types including INTEGER, BIGINT, DOUBLE PRECISION, and other numeric types

  • Session functions
    Used for obtaining information about a current session

  • String functions
    Manipulate string data types

  • Window functions
    Perform a calculation across a specified set of table rows