Checks whether a given string matches any regular expression pattern from a specified list of patterns. Returns FALSE if it doesn’t match, or TRUE if it matches.


REGEXP_LIKE_ANY(<expression>, ['<pattern1>', '<pattern2>', ...])


Parameter Description Supported input types
<expression> The input string or column to be evaluated against the regular expression patterns. TEXT
<pattern> A list of regular expression patterns to match against the expression. ARRAY[TEXT] where each element complies to the RE2 regular expression syntax

Return Type



The following code example checks whether the string 123 matches either the [a-z] expression, which specifies any lowercase letter, or the [1-9]+ expression, which specifies one or more digits:


Returns: The function returns TRUE because the string '123' matches the second pattern.

The following code example checks whether the string !@#$%^&*() matches either the \d+ expression, which specifies one or more digits, or the [a-z|A-Z]+ expression, which specifies one or more lowercase or uppercase characters:

    REGEXP_LIKE_ANY('!@#$%^&*()', [ '\d+', '[a-z|A-Z]+' ]);

Returns: The function returns FALSE because the string does not match any of the regular expressions in the array.

The following code example checks if the string a matches either the [1-9]+ expression, which specifies one or more digits, or a NULL value:

    REGEXP_LIKE_ANY('a', ['[1-9]+', NULL]);

The following code example checks whether the string 123 matches either the [1-9]+ expression, which specifies one or more digits, or the NULL value, in the array.

    REGEXP_LIKE_ANY('123', ['[1-9]+', NULL]);

Returns: The function returns TRUE because the string matches the first regular expression. The NULL element does not affect the result as long as a match is found. If a match is not found, the function returns FALSE, even if there is a NULL element in the array.