Returns a table with a row for each table in the current database, with columns containing information for each table as listed below.
The returned table has the following columns.
Column name | Data Type | Description |
table_name | TEXT | The name of the table. |
state | TEXT | The current table state. |
table_type | TEXT | One of FACT , DIMENSION , or EXTERNAL . |
column_count | INTEGER | The number of columns in the table. |
primary_index | TEXT | An ordered array of the column names comprising the primary index definition, if applicable. |
schema | TEXT | The text of the SQL statement that created the table. |
number_of_rows | INTEGER | The number of rows in the table. |
size | DOUBLE PRECISION | The compressed size of the table. |
size_uncompressed | DOUBLE PRECISION | The uncompressed size of the table. |
compression_ratio | DOUBLE PRECISION | The compression ratio (<size_uncompressed> /<size> ). |
number_of_tablets | INTEGER | The number of tablets comprising the table. |
The following example returns information about tables in the database queried:
table_name | state | table_type | column_count | primary_index | schema | number_of_rows | size | size_uncompressed | compression_ratio | number_of_tablets |
ex_games | Valid | EXTERNAL | 1 | “CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ““ex_games”” (““src”” text NOT NULL) | "”OBJECT_PATTERN”” = ‘help_center_assets/firebolt_sample_dataset/games.json’ ““TYPE”” = (““JSON”” ““PARSE_AS_TEXT”” = ‘TRUE’) ““URL”” = ‘s3://firebolt-publishing-public/help_center_assets/firebolt_sample_dataset/’” | 0 | 0.00 B | 0.00 B | 0 | 0 |