

The Firebolt Node SDK is a software development kit designed to facilitate the integration of Firebolt’s high-performance database capabilities into Node.js applications. This SDK provides a set of tools and interfaces for developers to interact with Firebolt databases, enabling efficient data manipulation and query execution. For more detailed documentation, including API references and advanced usage, refer to the README file in the Firebolt Node SDK repository.


To install the Firebolt Node SDK, run the following command in your project directory:

npm install firebolt-sdk


After installation, you must authenticate before you can use the SDK to establish connections, run queries, and manage database resources. The following code example sets up a connection using your Firebolt service account credentials:

const connection = await firebolt.connect({
  auth: {
    client_id: '12345678-90123-4567-8901-234567890123',
    client_secret: 'secret',
  engineName: 'engine_name',
  account: 'account_name',
  database: 'database',

In the previous code example, the following details apply:

  • client_id and client_secret: These are your service account credentials. Refer to Firebolt’s guide to learn how to create a service account and obtain its ID and secret.
  • engineName: The name of the engine used to run your queries on.
  • database: The target database where your tables will be stored.
  • account: The object within your organization that encapsulates resources for storing, querying, and managing data. In the Node.js SDK, the account parameter specifies which organizational environment the connection will use.

Quick start

In the following code example, credentials are stored in environment variables.

import { Firebolt } from 'firebolt-sdk'

// Initialize client
const firebolt = Firebolt();

// Establish connection to Firebolt using environment variables for credentials and configuration
const connection = await firebolt.connect({
  auth: {
    client_id: process.env.FIREBOLT_CLIENT_ID,
    client_secret: process.env.FIREBOLT_CLIENT_SECRET,
  account: process.env.FIREBOLT_ACCOUNT,
  database: process.env.FIREBOLT_DATABASE,
  engineName: process.env.FIREBOLT_ENGINE_NAME

// Create a "users" table
await connection.execute(`
    id INT,
    name STRING,
    age INT

// Insert sample data
await connection.execute(`
  INSERT INTO users (id, name, age) VALUES
  (1, 'Alice', 30),
  (2, 'Bob', 25)

// Update rows
await connection.execute(`
  UPDATE users SET age = 31 WHERE id = 1

// Fetch data with a query
const statement = await connection.execute("SELECT * FROM users");

// Fetch the complete result set
const { data, meta } = await statement.fetchResult();

// Log metadata describing the columns of the result set
// Outputs:
// [
//   Meta { type: 'int null', name: 'id' },
//   Meta { type: 'text null', name: 'name' },
//   Meta { type: 'int null', name: 'age' }
// ]

// Alternatively, stream the result set row by row
const { data } = await statement.streamResult();

data.on("metadata", metadata => {

// Handle metadata event
data.on("error", error => {

const rows = []

for await (const row of data) {

// Log the collected rows
// Outputs:
// [ [ 1, 'Alice', 31 ], [ 2, 'Bob', 25 ] ]


To receive support, report issues, or contribute, please refer to the Firebolt Node SDK repository issue tracker.


This SDK is released under Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more details.