Information schema for storage history

You can use the information_schema.storage_history view to return information about the storage consumption of your catalogs (databases). Due to the nature of this view’s computation, it is eventually consistent. DROP / INSERT / UPDATE / VACUUM operations may take up to 2 days to be fully reflected.

In the example below, a filter is applied to look at the metrics of all catalogs over the last week. By default, the view shows data as far back as each catalog has existed.

  usage_date > now() - INTERVAL '7 days'
  and catalog_id is not null
LIMIT 100;

Dropped catalogs display NULL catalog_name, but are trackable by catalog_id.

Rows not attributed to any one catalog (NULL catalog_id) carry special meaning. This storage consumption is account-wide. It covers inactive data (garbage files that are preserved for the duration of a 1 week fail-safe period), as well as active in-flight data (any new files that were not yet transactionally attributed to a catalog during consumption computation).

This example shows how to look up storage consumption not associated with any particular catalog.

  catalog_id is null
LIMIT 100;

Columns in information_schema.storage_history

Each row has the following columns with information about storage consumption.

Column Name Data Type Description
catalog_name TEXT Catalog (database) for which storage is reported
catalog_id TEXT Catalog (database) id for which storage is reported
usage_date DATE Date for which the usage is reported
active_data_size_bytes BIGINT Number of bytes consumed by active data
inactive_data_size_bytes BIGINT Number of bytes consumed by inactive data