Returns values from the row after the current row within the requested window.
For more information on usage, please refer to Window Functions.
LEAD ( <expression> [, <offset> [, <default> ]] )
OVER ( [ PARTITION BY <partition_by> ] ORDER BY <order_by> [ { ASC | DESC } ] )
Parameter | Description | Supported input types |
<expression> | Any valid expression that will be returned based on the <offset>. | Any |
<offset> | The number of rows forward from the current row from which to obtain a value. | INTEGER |
<default> | The expression to return when the offset goes out of the bounds of the window. Must be a literal of the same type as <expression> . The default is NULL . | Any |
<partition_by> | The expression used for the PARTITION BY clause. | Any |
<order_by> | An expression used for the ORDER BY clause. | Any |
In the example below, the LEAD
function is being used to find the players in each level who ranked before and after a certain player. In some cases, if the player has no one ranked before or after them, the LEAD
function returns NULL
LEAD(nickname, -1) OVER (PARTITION BY level ORDER BY nickname) AS player_before,
LEAD(nickname, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY level ORDER BY nickname) AS player_after
nickname | level | player_before | player_after |
kennethpark | 9 | NULL | rileyjon |
rileyjon | 9 | kennethpark | sabrina21 |
sabrina21 | 9 | rileyjon | ymatthews |
ymatthews | 9 | sabrina21 | NULL |