Returns a substring starting at the character indicated by the <start> index and including the number of characters defined by <length>. Character indexing starts at index 1.


SUBSTRING(<expression> [FROM <start>] [FOR <length>])
SUBSTRING(<expression>, <start> [, <length>])
SUBSTR(<expression>, <start> [, <length>])


Parameter Description Supported input types
<expression> The input string. TEXT,BYTEA
<start> Optional. The starting position for the substring. 1 is the first character. If value < 1 then it start from negative position (all negative positions treated as empty). BIGINT
<length> Optional. The number of characters to be returned by the SUBSTRING function. Must be positive or 0. If not specified, count by default returns all of the string not specified by the start parameter. BIGINT

At least one of the optional arguments <start> and <length> must be given.

Negative <start> values begin the substring before the input <expression>. Positions before the input <expression> are considered empty.

Return Type

TEXT or BYTEA. The type of <expression>


In the example below, the string is offset by 1 and so the SUBSTRING command begins at the first letter, “h”. The <length> of 5 indicates the resulting string should be only five characters long.

	SUBSTRING('hello world' FROM 1 FOR 5);

Returns: hello

In this next example <length> is not provided. This means all characters are included after the <start> index, which is 7.

	SUBSTRING('hello world' FROM 7);

Returns: world

For negative <start> values, empty positions before the input string are selected. Thus, without <length> negative values will select the entire input <string>.

	SUBSTRING('hello world' FROM -2);

Returns: hello world

With a negative <start> value and <length>, the empty positions before the string are counted towards the substring length. In this example, beginning the substring at -2 for 8 characters includes 3 empty positions and 5 positions with characters from the input <expression>.

	SUBSTRING('hello world' FROM -2 FOR 8);

Returns: hello