Information schema for service_accounts

You can use the information_schema.service_accounts view to return information about service accounts. You can use a SELECT query to return information about each service account as shown in the example below.


Read more about service accounts here.

Columns in information_schema.service_accounts

Each row has the following columns with information about a service account.

Column Name Data Type Description
service_account_id TEXT The ID of the service account.
service_account_name TEXT The name of the service account.
network_policy_name TEXT The name of the network policy used by this service account.
service_account_description TEXT The description of the service account.
is_organization_admin BOOLEAN Specifies if the service account is an organization admin.
is_enabled BOOLEAN Specifies if the service account is allowed to authenticate.
created TIMESTAMPTZ Time of the service account creation.
service_account_owner TEXT The name of the login that created the service account. If the service account was created by a service account, the service account name appears instead.
last_altered TIMESTAMPTZ Time the service account was last altered.
last_altered_by TEXT The name of the login that edited the service account. If the service account was edited by a service account, the service account name appears instead.