Information schema for tables

You can use the information_schema.tables view to return information about each table in a database. The view is available for each database and contains one row for each table in the database. You can use a SELECT query to return information about each table as shown in the example below.


Columns in information_schema.tables

Each row has the following columns with information about each table.

Column Name Data Type Description
table_catalog TEXT The name of the database.
table_schema TEXT The name of the schema.
table_name TEXT The name of the table.
table_type TEXT The table’s type, e.g. BASE TABLE, EXTERNAL VIEW.
table_owner TEXT The owner of the table, NULL if there is none.
created TIMESTAMPTZ Not applicable for Firebolt.
last_altered TIMESTAMPTZ Not applicable for Firebolt.
last_altered_by TEXT Not applicable for Firebolt.
primary_index TEXT An ordered array of the column names comprising the primary index definition, if applicable.
number_of_rows BIGINT The number of rows in the table.
compressed_bytes BIGINT The compressed size of the table in bytes.
uncompressed_bytes BIGINT The uncompressed size of the table in bytes.
compression_ratio NUMERIC The compression ratio (<uncompressed_bytes>/<compressed_bytes>).
number_of_tablets INTEGER The number of tablets comprising the table.
fragmentation DECIMAL Table fragmentation percentage (between 0-100).
type TEXT The table’s type.
location_name TEXT Not applicable for Firebolt.
ddl TEXT The text of the SQL statement that created the table.
self_referencing_column_name NULL Not applicable for Firebolt.
reference_generation NULL Not applicable for Firebolt.
user_defined_type_catalog NULL Not applicable for Firebolt.
user_defined_type_schema NULL Not applicable for Firebolt.
user_defined_type_name NULL Not applicable for Firebolt.
is_insertable_into TEXT YES if the table is insertable, NO otherwise.
is_typed TEXT Always NO.
commit_action NULL Not applicable for Firebolt.