Information schema for indexes

You can use the information_schema.indexes view to return information about each index in a database. The view is available for each database and contains one row for each index in the database. You can use a SELECT query to return information about each index.

In order to view index information, you need the USAGE privilege on both the schema and the database. You also need ownership of the table or the necessary table-level privileges required for the intended action.

The following query returns all aggregating indexes defined within the current database.


Columns in information_schema.indexes

Each row has the following columns with information about the database.

Column Name Data Type Description
table_catalog TEXT Name of the catalog. Firebolt provides a single ‘default’ catalog.
table_schema TEXT Name of the database.
table_name TEXT The name of the table for which the index is defined.
index_name TEXT The name defined for the index.
index_type TEXT One of either primary or aggregating.
index_definition TEXT The part of the index statement that specifies the columns and any aggregations included in the index.
index_compressed_size BIGINT The compressed size of the index, in bytes.
index_uncompressed_size BIGINT The uncompressed size of the index, in bytes.
number_of_tablets BIGINT The number of tablets in the index.