Accepts a JSON document and pointer expression. If the key exists and holds a JSON string, JSON_POINTER_EXTRACT_TEXT returns it as SQL TEXT, removing outer quotes and decoding characters. Otherwise, it returns NULL.


(<json>, <json_pointer_expression>)


Parameter Description Supported input types
<json> The JSON document. TEXT
<json_pointer_expression> A JSON pointer expression to the location of the desired sub-document in the JSON. For more information, see JSON pointer expression syntax. TEXT

Return Type


  • If any input values are NULL, the function will return NULL.


For the JSON document indicated by <json_common_example> below, see JSON common example. The returned result is based on the following example.

Example The following code example extracts the value at path /value/uid from the JSON document, removes the outermost quotes, and returns the result as SQL TEXT, labeled as res:

SELECT JSON_POINTER_EXTRACT_TEXT(<json_common_example>, '/value/uid') AS res

Returns The previous code example returns the following:

res (TEXT)

Example The following code example attempts to extract the value at the path /value/no_such_key from the JSON document:

SELECT JSON_POINTER_EXTRACT_TEXT(<json_common_example>, '/value/no_such_key') AS res

Returns The previous code example returns the NULL with the result labeled as res, because the key does not exist:

res (TEXT)


The following code example attempts to extract the value at the path /value/keywords from the JSON document:

SELECT JSON_POINTER_EXTRACT_TEXT(<json_common_example>,'/value/keywords') AS res

Returns The previous code example returns NULL, labeled as res because the value at the specified path is an array, not a string:

res (TEXT)

Example The following code example navigates to the third element at index 2 of the array at /value/keywords in the JSON document, removes the outermost quotes, and returns it as SQL TEXT, labeled as res:

SELECT JSON_POINTER_EXTRACT_TEXT(<json_common_example>,'/value/keywords/2') AS res

Returns The previous code example returns "analytics", which is the third element in the JSON array, which uses zero-based indexing:

res (TEXT)