Evaluates a condition and returns different results based on whether the condition is true or false. The IF function is a simplified alternative to the CASE expression for handling conditional logic.


IF(<condition>, <then>, <else>)


Parameter Description Supported input types
<condition> Condition that the function evaluates. BOOLEAN
<then> Value returned when evaluates to `true`. Any
<else> Value returned when evaluates to `false` or `NULL`. Must match the data type of . Any

Return type

The IF function returns the same data type as the and parameters.


The following example uses the IF function to determine if the current day is a weekend or weekday:

SELECT IF(EXTRACT(DOW FROM CURRENT_DATE()) % 6 = 0, 'Weekend', 'Weekday')

The previous query returns:

  • Weekend when the current day is Saturday or Sunday.
  • Weekday for any other day.