Checks whether a text pattern matches a regular expression string. Returns a BOOLEAN value, specifically false if the text doesn’t match and true if it does match. This is a RE2 regular expression.


REGEXP_LIKE(<expression>, '<pattern>'[,'<flag>[...]'])


Parameter Description Supported input types
<expression> The text searched for a match using the RE2 pattern. TEXT
<pattern> An RE2 regular expression pattern used to search for a match in the <expression>. RE2 regular expression
<flag> Optional. Flags allow additional controls over the regular’s expression matching behavior. If using multiple flags, you can include them in the same single-quote block without any separator character. Firebolt supports the following RE2 flags to override default matching behavior. With - in front you can disable the flag.
* i - Specifies case-insensitive matching.
* m - Specifies multi-line mode. In this mode, ^ and $ characters in the regex match the beginning and end of line.
* s - (Enabled per default) Specifies that the . metacharacter in regex matches the newline character in addition to any character in .
* U - Specifies non-greedy mode. In this mode, the meaning of the metacharacters * and + in regex <pattern> are swapped with *? and +?, respectively. See the examples using flags below for the difference in how results are returned.

Return Type




Returns: false


Returns: true

Example using flags

The i flag causes the regular expression to be case-insensitive. Without this flag, this query would return false as no match is found.

	REGEXP_LIKE('ABC', '[a-z]', 'i');

Returns: true