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This documentation is related to an older version of Firebolt. For the most current documentation, see Firebolt documentation.

SQL functions

Use the alphabetical list in the navigation pane to find the syntax for commands that you already know.

Use the functional list below to find commands for a specific task area that you’re working in.

  • Aggregate array functions
    These functions work on array-typed columns, but instead of being applied row by row, they combine the results of all the arrays belonging to each of the groups defined by the GROUP BY clause.

  • Aggregation functions
    These functions perform a calculation across a set of rows, returning a single value.

  • Array functions
    Used for the manipulation and querying of ARRAY-typed columns, such as transforming and filtering. Includes Lambda functions.

  • Conditional and miscellaneous functions
    These functions include various methods for modifying data types and applying conditional operations.

  • Date and time functions
    Functions for manipulating date and time data types.

  • JSON functions
    These functions extract and transform JSON into Firebolt native types, or JSON sub-objects. They are used either during the ELT process or applied to columns storing JSON objects as plain TEXT.

  • Numeric functions
    Functions for manipulating data types including INTEGER, BIGINT, DOUBLE PRECISION, and other numeric types.

  • String functions
    Functions for manipulating string data types

  • Window functions
    These functions perform a calculation across a specified set of table rows.

Aggregate array functions

Aggregate semi-structured functions work globally on all the arrays in a given column expression, instead of a row-by-row application.

At their simplest form (without a GROUP BY clause) - they will provide the result of globally applying the function on all of the elements of the arrays in the column expression specified as their argument. For example, ARRAY_SUM_GLOBAL will return the sum of all the elements in all the array of the given column. ARRAY_MAX_GLOBAL will return the maximum element among all of the elements in all of the arrays in the given column expression.

When combined with a GROUP BY clause, these operations will be performed on all of the arrays in each group.

Aggregation functions

Array functions

Lambda functions

For more information about using Lambda functions, see Manipulating arrays with Lambda functions.

Binary functions

Conditional and miscellaneous functions

Date and time functions

You are looking at functions for Firebolt’s redesigned date and timestamp types. These types were introduced in DB version 3.19 under the names PGDATE, TIMESTAMPNTZ and TIMESTAMPTZ, and synonyms DATE, TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMPTZ made available in DB version 3.22.

If you worked with Firebolt before DB version 3.22, you might still be using the legacy date and timestamp types. Determine which types you are using by executing the query SELECT EXTRACT(CENTURY FROM DATE '2023-03-16');. If this query returns a result, you are using the redesigned date and timestamp types and can continue with this documentation. If this query returns an error, you are using the legacy date and timestamp types and can find legacy documentation here, or instructions to reingest your data to use the new types here.

JSON functions

The reference for each JSON function uses common syntax and conventions as outlined below.

JSON pointer expression syntax

The placeholder <json_pointer_expression> indicates where you should use a JSON pointer, which is a way to access specific elements in a JSON document. For a formal specification, see RFC6901.

A JSON pointer starts with a forward slash (/), which denotes the root of the JSON document. This is followed by a sequence of property (key) names or zero-based ordinal numbers separated by slashes. You can specify property names or use ordinal numbers to specify the Nth property or the Nth element of an array.

The tilde (~) and forward slash (/) characters have special meanings and need to be escaped according to the guidelines below:

  • To specify a literal tilde (~), use ~0
  • To specify a literal slash (/), use ~1

For example, consider the JSON document below.

    "key": 123,
    "key~with~tilde": 2,
    "key/with/slash": 3,
    "value": {
      "dyid": 987,
      "keywords" : ["insanely","fast","analytics"]

With this JSON document, the JSON pointer expressions below evaluate to the results shown.

Pointer Result Notes
/ {
"key": 123,
"key~with~tilde": 2,
"key/with/slash": 3,
"value": {
"dyid": 987,
"keywords" : ["insanely","fast","analytics"]
Returns the whole document.
/key 123  
/key~0with~0tilde 2 Indicates the value associated with the key~with~tilde property name.
/key~1with~1slash 3 Indicates the value associated with the key/with/slash property name.
/0 123 Uses an ordinal to indicate the value associated with the key property name. The key property is in the first 0-based position.
/value/keywords/2 analytics Indicates the element “analytics”, which is in the third 0-based position of the array value associated with they keywords property.

Supported type parameters

Some functions accept a data type parameter, indicated in this reference with the <expected_type> placeholder. This parameter specifies the expected type as indicated by <json_pointer_expression>. The <expected_type> is specified using a string literal that corresponds to supported Firebolt SQL data types. The type parameter does not accept all SQL types because the JSON type system has fewer types than SQL and must be one of the following:

  • INT – used for integers as well as JSON boolean.
  • DOUBLE – used for real numbers. It also works with integers. For performance reasons, favor using INT when the values in the JSON document are known integers.
  • TEXT – used for strings.
  • ARRAY(<type>) – indicates an array where <type> is one of INT, DOUBLE, or TEXT.

The following data types are not supported: DATE, DATETIME, FLOAT (for real numbers, use DOUBLE).

JSON common example

Usage examples for JSON functions in this reference are based on the JSON document below, which is indicated using the <json_common_example> placeholder.

    "key": 123,
    "value": {
      "dyid": 987,
      "uid": "987654",
      "keywords" : ["insanely","fast","analytics"],
      "tagIdToHits": {
        "map": {
          "1737729": 32,
          "1775582": 35
            "EventId": 547,
            "EventProperties" :
                "UserName":"John Doe",
                "Successful": true
            "EventId": 548,
            "EventProperties" :
                "items": 2

Numeric functions

String functions

Window functions

Some functions support an optional frame_clause.

The frame_clause can be one of the following:

    { RANGE | ROWS } <frame_start>
    { RANGE | ROWS } BETWEEN <frame_start> AND <frame_end>

where <frame_start> and <frame_end> is one of the following:

  offset PRECEDING
  offset FOLLOWING

The frame_clause specifies the set of rows constituting the window frame within the current partition. The frame can be specified in RANGE or ROWS mode; in each case, the frame runs from the <frame_start> to the <frame_end>. If <frame_end> is omitted, the end defaults to CURRENT ROW.


  • The default framing option is RANGE UNBOUNDED PRECEDING, which is the same as RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW. With an ORDER BY clause, this sets the frame to be all rows from the partition start through the current row’s last ORDER BY peer. Without an ORDER BY clause, all rows of the partition are included in the window frame, since all rows become peers of the current row.

  • The number of rows to the end of the frame is limited by the number of rows to the end of the partition; for rows near the partition ends, the frame might contain fewer rows than elsewhere.


  • A <frame_start> of UNBOUNDED PRECEDING means that the frame starts with the first row of the partition. Similarly a <frame_end> of UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING means that the frame ends with the last row of the partition.


  • In RANGE mode, a <frame_start> of CURRENT ROW means the frame starts with the current row’s first peer row (a row that the window’s ORDER BY clause sorts as equivalent to the current row), while a <frame_end> of CURRENT ROW means the frame ends with the current row’s last peer row.

  • In ROWS mode, CURRENT ROW simply means the current row.


  • For the offset PRECEDING and offset FOLLOWING frame options, the offset must be an expression not containing any variables, aggregate functions, or window functions. The meaning of the offset depends on the frame mode:
    • In ROWS mode, the offset must yield a non-null, non-negative integer, and the option means that the frame starts or ends the specified number of rows before or after the current row.

    • In RANGE mode, these options require that the ORDER BY clause specify exactly one column. The offset specifies the maximum difference between the value of that column in the current row and its value in preceding or following rows of the frame. The data type of the offset expression varies depending on the data type of the ordering column. For numeric ordering columns it is typically of the same type as the ordering column. For DATE or TIMESTAMP ordering columns, it is an interval. For example, if the ordering column is of type DATE or TIMESTAMP, one could write RANGE BETWEEN '1 day' PRECEDING AND '10 days' FOLLOWING. The offset is still required to be non-null and non-negative, though the meaning of “non-negative” depends on the data type.

    • In ROWS mode, 0 PRECEDING and 0 FOLLOWING are equivalent to CURRENT ROW. This normally holds in RANGE mode as well, for an appropriate data-type-specific meaning of “zero”.


  • frame_start cannot be UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING
  • frame_end cannot be UNBOUNDED PRECEDING
  • frame_end cannot appear earlier in the above list of frame_start and frame_end options than the frame_start choice does. For example RANGE BETWEEN CURRENT ROW AND offset PRECEDING is not allowed, but ROWS BETWEEN 7 PRECEDING AND 8 PRECEDING is allowed, even though it would never select any rows.


The example below is querying test scores for students in various grade levels. Unlike a regular AVG() aggregation, the window function allows us to see how each student individually compares to the average test score for their grade level, as well as compute the average test score while looking at different slices of the data for different grade levels – narrowing down the set of rows that constitutes the window using framing options such as PRECEDING or FOLLOWING.

  ROUND(AVG(test_score) OVER (PARTITION BY grade_level), 2) AS test_score_avg,
  ROUND(AVG(test_score) OVER (PARTITION BY grade_level ORDER BY test_score ASC ROWS BETWEEN 1 PRECEDING AND 1 FOLLOWING), 2) AS avg_1p_1f,
  ROUND(AVG(test_score) OVER (PARTITION BY grade_level ORDER BY test_score ASC ROWS BETWEEN 2 PRECEDING AND 2 FOLLOWING), 2) AS avg_2p_2f,


' | first_name | grade_level | test_score | test_score_avg | avg_1p_1f | avg_2p_2f | avg_up_2f |
' | Frank      | 9           | 76         | 81.33          | 77        | 77.67     | 77        |
' | Jojo       | 9           | 78         | 81.33          | 77.67     | 78.25     | 77.67     |
' | Iris       | 9           | 79         | 81.33          | 79        | 79.6      | 78.25     |
' | Peter      | 9           | 80         | 81.33          | 81.33     | 82.4      | 79.6      |
' | Sammy      | 9           | 85         | 81.33          | 85        | 83.5      | 81.33     |
' | Humphrey   | 9           | 90         | 81.33          | 87.5      | 85        | 81.33     |
' | Yolinda    | 10          | 30         | 68.2           | 44.5      | 55.67     | 44.5      |
' | Albert     | 10          | 59         | 68.2           | 55.67     | 63        | 55.67     |
' | Deborah    | 10          | 78         | 68.2           | 74        | 68.2      | 63        |
' | Mary       | 10          | 85         | 68.2           | 84        | 77.75     | 68.2      |
' | Shawn      | 10          | 89         | 68.2           | 87        | 84        | 68.2      |
' | Carol      | 11          | 52         | 73             | 60        | 64.33     | 60        |
' | Larry      | 11          | 68         | 73             | 64.33     | 67        | 64.33     |
' | Wanda      | 11          | 73         | 73             | 72        | 68.8      | 67        |
' | Otis       | 11          | 75         | 73             | 74.67     | 77.2      | 68.8      |
' | Shangxiu   | 11          | 76         | 73             | 81.67     | 79.5      | 73        |
' | Roseanna   | 11          | 94         | 73             | 85        | 81.67     | 73        |
' | Thomas     | 12          | 66         | 89             | 77.5      | 82.33     | 77.5      |
' | Jesse      | 12          | 89         | 89             | 82.33     | 85        | 82.33     |
' | Brunhilda  | 12          | 92         | 89             | 91.33     | 86.8      | 85        |
' | Charles    | 12          | 93         | 89             | 93        | 93.6      | 86.8      |
' | Franco     | 12          | 94         | 89             | 95.67     | 94.75     | 89        |
' | Gary       | 12          | 100        | 89             | 97        | 95.67     | 89        |