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This documentation is related to an older version of Firebolt. For the most current documentation, see Firebolt documentation.


Returns a string representation of the scalar or sub-object under the key indicated by <json_pointer_expression> if the key exists. If the key does not exist, returns NULL.


JSON_EXTRACT_RAW(<json>, <json_pointer_expression>)


Parameter Description Supported input types
<json> The JSON document from which the array is to be extracted. TEXT
<json_pointer_expression> A JSON pointer to the location of the array in the JSON. For more information, see JSON pointer expression syntax. TEXT

Return Types

  • If key is provided, returns TEXT
  • If no key is provided, returns NULL


For the JSON document indicated by <json_common_example> below, see JSON common example. The Returns result is based on this common example.


Returns: 987

JSON_EXTRACT_RAW(<json_common_example>, '/value/tagIdToHits')

Returns: {"map":{"1737729":32,"1775582":35}}