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This documentation is related to an older version of Firebolt. For the most current documentation, see Firebolt documentation.

Information schema for databases

You can use the information_schema.databases view to return information about databases. You can use a SELECT query to return information about each database as shown in the example below.


Columns in information_schema.databases

Each row has the following columns with information about the database.

Name Data Type Description
database_name TEXT Name of the database.
compressed_size BIGINT The compressed size of the database.
uncompressed_size BIGINT The uncompressed size of the database.
description TEXT The description of the database.
created_on TEXT The time the database was created.
created_by TEXT The user who created the database.
region TEXT AWS region in which the database is configured.
attached_engines TEXT A list of engine names attached to the database.
errors TEXT Not applicable for Firebolt.