Link Search Menu Expand Document

This documentation is related to an older version of Firebolt. For the most current documentation, see Firebolt documentation.


Returns a table with a row for each Firebolt index defined in the current database, with columns containing information about each index as listed below.




The returned table has the following columns.

Column name Data Type Description
index_name TEXT The name of the index.
table_name TEXT The name of the table associated with the index.
type TEXT One of primary or aggregating.
expression ARRAY (TEXT) An ordered array of the expression in SQL that defined the index.
size_compressed DOUBLE PRECISION The size of the index in bytes.
size_uncompressed DOUBLE PRECISION The uncompressed size of the index in bytes.
compression_ratio DOUBLE PRECISION The compression ratio (<size_uncompressed>/<size_compressed>).
number_of_segments INTEGER The number of segments comprising the table.