Returns the cosine distance between two vectors, calculated based on the angle (θ) between them. Vector cosine distance emphasizes the directional difference between the vectors, rather than magnitude. It is calculated as 1 - cos(θ), where cos(θ) is the cosine similarity between the vectors. VECTOR_COSINE_DISTANCE returns a value in the range [0, 2]. A vector cosine distance of 0 means that the vectors are identical in direction. A distance of 1 means that they are orthogonal and have no correlation. A distance of 2 means that they point in opposite directions.


VECTOR_COSINE_DISTANCE(<array>, <array>)


Parameter Description Supported input types
<array> The first array used in the distance calculation. Any array of numeric data types.
<array> The second array used in the distance calculation. Any array of numeric data types.


Both input array arguments must have the same number of elements.

Return Type



The following example returns the cosine distance between two vectors:

SELECT VECTOR_COSINE_DISTANCE([1, 2], [3, 4]) AS distance;
distance (DOUBLE)