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Returns 1 if a specified argument is present in the array, or 0 otherwise.


CONTAINS(<array>, <value>)


Parameter Description Supported input types
<array> The array to be checked for the given element. ARRAY
<value> The element to be searched for within the array Any integer that corresponds to an element in the array

Return Types

  • Returns 1 if the element to be searched in present in the array
  • Returns 0 if the element is not present in the array


	CONTAINS([ 'sabrina21', 'rileyjon', 'ywilson', 'danielle53'], 'danielle53') AS players;

Returns: 1 1 is returned as “danielle53” is part of the players array.

CONTAINS returns a 0 result when single character or substring matches only part of a longer string.

	CONTAINS([ 'sabrina21', 'rileyjon', 'ywilson'] , 'danielle53') AS players;

Returns: 0

0 is returned as “danielle53” is not part of the players array.