Configure your IdP

Before you can set up SSO with Firebolt, follow the required configuration steps in your identity provider to work with the application.

Before creating a SAML integration in your IDP, you must configure the Audience URI. Otherwise, SAML assertions will not pass, and SSO will not allow users to sign in.

Firebolt supports the following identity providers (IDPs):

  • Okta
  • OneLogin
  • Salesforce
  • PingFederate (Ping Identity)
  • Custom

If your IDP is not on the above list but supports SAML 2.0, contact the Firebolt support team for further assistance.


Configure Okta application

  1. In Okta Admin Console, go to Applications > Applications.
  2. Click Create App Integration.
  3. Select SAML 2.0 as the Sign-in method and click Next.
  4. In the general configuration, fill in the following fields:
    • Single sign-on URL.

    This URL has the following format<org_name>-<provider>&organization=<organization_identifier>

    Contact Firebolt to get your organization_identifier.


    • Audience URI (SP Entity ID).

    This URI has the following format: urn:auth0:<tenant_name>:<org_name>-<provider>, where <tenant_name> is app-firebolt-v2, <org_name> is the name of organization provider and <provider> is the provider value set in Firebolt configuration step.

    Example: urn:auth0:app-firebolt-v2:vsko-okta

  5. Save the configuration.
  6. Open the details of the created app integration, and select the SAML tab. Click More details to expand additional information.
  7. Copy the value for Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL and download the signing certificate.

Example - Firebolt organization configuration to work with Okta

Values for SQL to create the SSO connection are as follows:

  "signOnUrl": "",
  "issuer": "okta",
  "provider": "okta",
  "label": "Okta Company App",
  "fieldMapping": {
    "given_name": "name",
    "family_name": "surname"
  "certificate": "<certificate>",


  • signOnUrl is the Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL value copied during Okta setup,
  • issuer is the name of the issuer, ‘okta’ in this case,
  • provider is the IDP name, ‘okta’ in this case,
  • label is text that will appear on the Sign in form (this defaults to ‘-' if a value is not provided, for instance ‘acme-okta’),
  • certificate is the X.509 Certificate copied during Okta setup, and
  • field_mapping includes additional fields to be mapped from SAML assertion, based on what was configured during setup. For example:
  "given_name": "name",
  "family_name": "surname"


Configure OneLogin application

  1. In OneLogin, open Dashboard, and click Apps > Add Apps.
  2. Search for SAML, and select SAML Test Connector (IdP w/attr).
  3. Change the Display Name of the app and click SAVE. This is the name of the app that will appear in the OneLogin portal.
  4. Open the SSO tab and copy the value for the SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP). Note that logout endpoint is not used at this time.
  5. Click on the View Details link at the X.509 Certificate field and copy/download the certificate.
  6. Open the Configuration tab and fill in the following values:
    • Audience - a URI in the following format: urn:auth0:<tenant_name>:<org_name>-<provider>, where <tenant_name> is app-firebolt-v2, <org_name> is the name of organization, and <provider> is the provider value set in Firebolt configuration step. Example: urn:auth0:app-firebolt-v2:vsko2-onelogin
    • ACS (Consumer) URL Validator - a valid regular expression. This field is used to ensure OneLogin posts the response to the correct URL, and it validates the ACS URL field.
    • ACS (Consumer) URL and Recipient - the post-back URL for your organization. This is the url in the following format:<organization_name>-<provider>&organization=<organization_identifier>. The organization_identifier is needed to select the correct organization during redirects. The authentication flow will fail if this is provided incorrectly or not provided. Contact the Firebolt support team to retrieve your organization_identifier. Example:

Example - Firebolt organization configuration to work with OneLogin

Values for SQL to create the SSO connection are as follows:

  "signOnUrl": "",
  "issuer": "onelogin",
  "provider": "onelogin",
  "label": "OneLogin Company App",
  "fieldMapping": {
    "given_name": "name",
    "family_name": "surname"
  "certificate": "<certificate>",


  • organization_name is the name of the organization in Firebolt,
  • signOnUrl is the SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP) value copied during OneLogin setup,
  • issuer is the name of the issuer, ‘onelogin’ in this case,
  • provider is the IdP name, ‘onelogin’ in this case,
  • label is text that will appear on the Sign in form (this defaults to <organization_name>-<provider> if a value is not provided, for instance ‘acme-onelogin`)
  • certificate is the X.509 Certificate copied during OneLogin setup, and
  • field_mapping includes additional fields to be mapped from the SAML assertion, based on what was configured during OneLogin setup. For exaxmple:
  "given_name": "name",
  "family_name": "surname"

This corresponds to the following setup in OneLogin, where name/surname in OneLogin corresponds to values in JSON:

Edit first name


Configure Salesforce application

Salesforce config

  1. In Salesforce, search for the ‘Identity provider’ setting. Make sure that ‘Identity Provider Setup’ is enabled. You can use default certificate.

  2. From the Identity Provider page, click Download Metadata. Open the downloaded xml file and find the SingleSignOnService binding, Location attribute, which ends with ../HttpPost. It will look like: https://<your-salesforce-account> Save this value to be used as the SignOnURL in Firebolt SSO configuration.
  3. Click Download Certificate, and convert the downloaded .crt file to PEM format. You could do this using the following command: openssl x509 -in original.crt -out sfcert.pem -outform PEM where original.crt is the name of the downloaded .crt file.
  4. Click on the provided link to create a new connected app in Salesforce.
  5. You will be redirected to the Manage Connected Apps / New Connected App view. Fill in required fields Connected App Name, API Name (for instance, type ‘Firebolt’) and Contact email.
  6. Move to Web App Settings, and check the Enable SAML box.
  7. Fill in the Entity Id field with value: urn:auth0:firebolt-app-v2:<organization_name>-<provider>, where
    • <organization_name> is the name of the organization in Firebolt, and
    • <provider> is the IdP name, ‘salesforce’ in this case For example: urn:auth0:app-firebolt-v2:acmeorg-salesforce
  8. Fill the ACS URL field with a URL in the following format (contact Firebolt to get your organization_identifier)<organization_name>-<provider>&organization=<organization_identifier> For example:

  9. Keep Subject Type as Username, and Name ID Format as unspecified. Click Save.

Example - Firebolt organization configuration to work with Salesforce

Values for SQL to create the SSO connection are as follows:

  "signOnUrl": "",
  "issuer": "salesforce",
  "provider": "salesforce",
  "label": "Salesforce Company App",
  "certificate": "<certificate>"


  • signOnURL is the SAML 2.0 endpoint value copied during Salesforce setup,
  • issuer is the name of the issuer, ‘salesforce’ in this case,
  • provider is the IdP name, ‘salesforce’ in this case,
  • label is text that will appear on the Sign in form (this defaults to ‘-’ if a value is not provided, for instance ‘acme-salesforce`), and
  • certificate is the X.509 certificate in PEM format downloaded during setup.

PingFederate (Ping Identity)

Configure PingFederate application

  1. Click Connections / Applications in the administration menu. Then on the Applications page click + to create a new application.
  2. Type in the application name (for instance, Firebolt) and description. THen select SAML Application, and click Configure.
  3. Choose Manually Enter to provide application metadata.
    • Fill the ACS URLs field with a URL in the following format (contact Firebolt to get your organization_identifier):<organization_name>-<provider>&organization=<organization_identifier> For example:
    • Fill in Entity ID with the value: urn:auth0:firebolt-app-v2:<organization_name>-<provider>, where
    • <organization_name> is the name of the organization in Firebolt, and
    • <provider> is the provider value set in Firebolt configuration step For example: urn:auth0:app-firebolt-v2:acmeorg-pingfederate
  4. Click Save.
  5. From the Configuration tab:
    • Download the signing certificate in X509 PEM format
    • Save the value of Single SignOn Service
  6. Open the Attribute Mappings tab, and edit the saml_subject to map to Email Address. Then Save.


Example - Firebolt organization configuration to work with PingFederate

Values for SQL to create the SSO connection are as follows:

  "signOnUrl": "",
  "issuer": "pingfederate",
  "provider": "pingfederate",
  "label": "PingFederate Company App",
  "certificate": "<certificate>"


  • signOnURL is the Single Sign On Service URL obtained during PingFederate configuration,
  • issuer is the name of the issuer, ‘pingfederate’ in this case,
  • provider is the IdP name, ‘pingfederate’ in this case,
  • label is the text that will appear on the Sign in form (this defaults to <organization_name>-<provider if a value is not provided, for instance ‘acme-pingfederate`)
  • certificate is the X.509 certificate in PEM format downloaded in setup.


To use a SAML 2.0 compliant service or application as your IDP for single sign on (SSO) with FIrebolt, complete the following steps:

  1. In the service/application interface, define a custom SHA-256 application for Firebolt. Follow the specific instructions of the service/application in order to define such a custom application.
  2. In the interface, create a user for each end-user that needs to access Firebolt. When creating the users, make sure to specify the email address for each of those users. Firebolt uses those email addresses to create the corresponding logins in Firebolt. See setting up SSO for more information.
  3. Obtain values for Audience URI and ACS (Consumer) URL to use in the IDP setup from Firebolt support team.

    IMPORTANT: The SSO authentication will not work if these values are not setup properly in your IDP.

    If, for instance your organization name is acmeorg and provider name you specify is custom:

    • Example of ACS URL:<organization_identifier>
    • Example of Audience URI: urn:auth0:firebolt-app-v2:acmeorg-custom

NOTE: The Audience URI, or Audience Restriction, determines the intended recipient or audience for the SAML Assertion. Depending on the vendor, this field might also be referred to as the “Entity ID”.

  1. Obtain the SSO URL (This is the URL endpoint to which Firebolt sends the SAML requests.) and certificate (used to verify the communication between the IDP and Firebolt) for your custom IDP. You will need the SSO URL value and certificate to set up SSO.