Returns the elements of the input array in ascending order.

If the argument <function> is provided, the sorting order is determined by the result of applying <function> on each element of the array.


ARRAY_SORT([<function>,] <array>)


Parameter Description Supported input type
<function> An optional function to be used to determine the sort order. Any lambda function that takes the elements of <array> as input
<array> The array to be sorted. Any array

Return Type

ARRAY of the same type as the input array


	ARRAY_SORT([ 4, 1, 3, 2 ]);

Returns: [1,2,3,4]

In this example below, the modulus operator is used to calculate the remainder on any odd numbers. Therefore ARRAY_SORT puts the higher (odd) numbers last in the results.

	ARRAY_SORT(x -> x % 2, [ 4, 1, 3, 2 ]);

Returns: [4,2,1,3]