This guide shows you how to load data from an AWS S3 bucket into Firebolt using COPY FROM. COPY FROM can accommodate different data loading workflows including the following:

  • Copy all source columns simultaneously into a target table.
  • Copy only a specific set of columns into a target table.
  • Automatically discover the schema during data loading.
  • Limit the number of rows loaded into the table.
  • Handling errors during data loading.


[INTO] <table_name> [ <column_mapping> ] 
FROM <externalLocations>
[ LIMIT <count> ]
[ OFFSET <start> ]
[ WITH <options> ]
[ WHERE <condition> ]

    ( <column_name> [DEFAULT <default_value>] [ { $<source_column_index> | <source_column_name> } ] [, ...] )

    [ CREDENTIALS = ( <credentials> ) ] 
    [ PATTERN = <regex_pattern> ]
    [ TYPE = { **AUTO** | CSV | TSV | PARQUET } ]
    [ AUTO_CREATE = { **TRUE** | FALSE } ]
    [ ERROR_FILE = <directoryLocation> ]
    [ ERROR_FILE_CREDENTIALS = <credentials> ]
    [ MAX_ERRORS_PER_FILE = { integer | '<percentage>' } ]
    [ <csv_options> ]

    { AWS_KEY_ID = '<aws_key_id>' AWS_SECRET_KEY = '<aws_secret_key>' }

    [ HEADER = { **FALSE** | TRUE  } ]
    [ DELIMITER = 'character' ]
    [ NEWLINE = 'string' ]
    [ ESCAPE = 'character' ]
    [ NULL_STRING = 'string' ]
    [ EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL = { **TRUE** | FALSE } ]
    [ SKIP_BLANK_LINES = { **FALSE** | TRUE } ]
    [ DATE_FORMAT = <date_format> ]
    [ TIMESTAMP_FORMAT = <timestamp_format> ]


<table_name> The name of the target table. Parameter Description
<column_mapping> (Optional) This feature is only available if the target table already exists. You can use column_mapping to specify the mapping between the source and target schema. Select a column in the source file to map to the target file using either the name of the column or its index.    
<column_name> The name of a target column in a table. If <source_column_index/name> not specified, source columns will be automatically mapped to target columns based on name.    
<default_value> A replacement value for any NULL value generated by mapping the source to the target. This data type of default_value must be compatible with the data type of the target column.    
<source_column_index> The index position of the column in the source data to be mapped. If you are specifying multiple source files, source_column_index specifies the index for all source files. The index starts at 1, and can be as large as 2^64-1, which allows for a very large number of columns. If you prefix the index inside a command or query, preceed the column index with a dollar sign ($) character. For example, prefix index as shown in the following COPY INTO statement: CREATE TABLE t(a text, b text); COPY INTO t(a $1, b $2) FROM 's3://my_bucket/my_folder/my_file';.    
<source_column_name> The name of the column in the source data to be mapped. If you are specifying multiple source files, source_column_name specifies the column name for all source files.    
<externalLocations> One or multiple paths to an Amazon S3 location containing source files. If externalLocations ends with a forward slash (/), Firebolt interprets its value as a directory. Otherwise, externalLocations is treated as single file. An example folder has the following format: s3://my_bucket/my_folder/. An example file has the following format: s3://my_bucket/my_folder/my_file.    
<directoryLocation> The Amazon S3 path to a directory.    
CREDENTIALS The Amazon S3 credentials for accessing the specified <externalLocations>. For more information, see CREDENTIALS.    
PATTERN A string that represents a glob pattern, or regular expression, used to match filenames or other strings.    
TYPE The file type that Firebolt should expect when loading files identified by PATTERN. If TYPE is unspecified, Firebolt automatically detects the file type using the file’s suffix. If a file matched by PATTERN does not match the specified TYPE, Firebolt will generate an error.    
AUTO_CREATE Specify whether Firebolt should automatically create a table if it doesn’t already exist. The default setting is TRUE, allowing automatic table creation. If AUTO_CREATE is set to FALSE, Firebolt will generate an error if the target table is missing. If the target table already exists, AUTO_CREATE is ignored.    
ALLOW_COLUMN_MISMATCH Set to FALSE to specify that all required columns must appear in the source files. A required column includes those specified in <column_mapping>, which are specified using either a name or index. If ALLOW_COLUMN_MISMATCH is set to FALSE, the source file must contain each required column by name or have enough columns to meet the required index. Missing data rows for required columns will trigger a row-based error for CSV or TSV files, or a file-based error for Parquet files.    
ERROR_FILE The Amazon S3 location where error files will be written. See the <externalLocations> parameter definition above for implementation. No error files are created by default or if the specified path doesn’t exist. If ERROR_FILE is specified, a subdirectory is created based on the time of load submission in the format: YearMonthDay-HourMinuteSecond + QueryID, such as: 20220330-173205//). This directory will contain a rejected_rows.csv file containing erroneous data rows, and an error_reasons.csv file, containing the reasons that the errors were generated.    
ERROR_FILE_CREDENTIALS The Amazon S3 credentials required to write an error file to <externalLocations>. For more information, see CREDENTIALS.    
MAX_ERRORS_PER_FILE Specify the maximum number of rows that can be rejected per file. MAX_ERRORS_PER_FILE can be integer or percentage in the format ‘integer%’, such as 100%. The only valid percentage options are 0% and 100%. By default, no errors are allowed. If MAX_ERRORS_PER_FILE is set to 100%, then all errors are allowed. If the threshold is exceeded, an error will occur.    

Parameters for CSV files

Parameter Description
HEADER Specify if the file contains a header line containing the column names. If HEADER is TRUE, the first line will be interpreted to contain column names.
DELIMITER Specify the character used to separate fields. The default delimiter is a comma (,).
NEWLINE Specify the character used to delimit rows. The default delimiter is \n. If NEWLINE is \n, then \r, \r\n, and \n\r are also treated as newline delimiters. Custom delimiters are allowed only if the target table already exists.
QUOTE Specify the character used for quoting fields. The default is double quote ("). If a single quote is specified, the quote character will be set to (').
ESCAPE Specify the character used to escape special characters. The default character is the quote (') character.
NULL_STRING Specify string used to represent NULL values. The default is an empty string, which means that no specific null string is defined.
EMPTY_FIELD_AS_NULL Specify whether empty fields should be interpreted as NULL values.
SKIP_BLANK_LINES Specify whether to ignore blank lines.
DATE_FORMAT Specify the date format for parsing text into date columns. This format will apply to all columns loaded as date columns. For supported formats, see TO_DATE.
TIMESTAMP_FORMAT Specify the timestamp format for parsing text into timestamp columns. The format will apply to all columns loaded as timestamp columns. For supported formats, see TO_TIMESTAMP.

Notes: Non-existing columns: By default if a column does not exist in the source file it will produce nulls. For CSV format it applies to missing fields as well.

COPY FROM supports a range of file formats, including:

  • Parquet

You can use COPY FROM for both loading initial data and loading incremental data.

Initial Data Load

Use the COPY FROM command to efficiently load large batches of data into Firebolt. This command is atomic, ensuring ACID-compliance, and enables loading large initial datasets quickly and reliably into an empty table.

Incremental Data Load

COPY FROM allows you to append new data to existing tables without interrupting your workload, useful for ingesting data incrementally. You can use incremental data loading to regularly update data repositories with new information as it becomes available.

Concurrency and Data Loading

The COPY FROM command allows different tables to be loaded simultaneously and in parallel. A single table can be populated from multiple sources and by multiple clients at once.

Automatic Schema Discovery

You can leverage automatic schema discovery provided by COPY FROM to manage sizable data sources where manual schema definition can be cumbersome and error-prone. For data formats like Parquet that already include table-level metadata, Firebolt automatically reads this metadata to facilitate the creation of corresponding target tables. For formats where column-level metadata might not be available, such as CSV, COPY FROM infers column types based on the data content itself. While this process aims to accurately identify data types, it operates on a “best effort” basis, balancing type correctness with practical usability constraints. Additionally, for CSV files that contain column names in the first line, COPY FROM uses this line as column headers and deduces the column types from the subsequent data, streamlining the initial data loading process significantly.

Handling Bad Data

COPY FROM provides robust mechanisms to identify and isolate bad data during the loading process.

COPY sales
FROM 's3://data-bucket/sales_data.csv'

Handling partitioned data

COPY FROM effectively manages the loading of partitioned data, ensuring that data is inserted into the correct partitions based on predefined rules or schema setups, optimizing query performance and data management.

Filter data during loading

When loading data into tables, you can filter data using the following options:

  1. LIMIT: Restricts the number of rows loaded, which can be useful to preview or create sample datasets.

  2. OFFSET: Skips a specified number of initial rows before loading begins, which can be helpful to exclude headers or introductory data.

Both LIMIT and OFFSET apply to the entire result set, not to individual files.

  1. WHERE: Filters data based on source file metadata, as follows:
  • $source_file_name: The name of the source file.
  • $source_file_timestamp: The date that the file was last modified, to the second, in UTC, in the Amazon S3 bucket that it was read from.
  • $source_file_size: The size of your source file in bytes.
  • $source_file_etag: The file ETag of the file, which is often used for version control.

The following code example shows how to filter the data to start after the 50th row, load 100 rows, and include only data modified in the last three years:

COPY tournament_results
FROM 's3://firebolt-publishing-public/help_center_assets/firebolt_sample_dataset/rankings/TournamentID=1/'
WHERE $source_file_timestamp > NOW() - interval '3 YEARS';



The following examples use a simple dataset that you can create using these simple instructions:

Create sample of data in 2 different formats and push it to existing Amazon S3 bucket (engine should have write access to this bucket otherwise, credentials need to be provided).

Create three rows of data with two different data types and push it to an existing Amazon S3 bucket (your Firebolt engine should have write access to this bucket, otherwise credentials need to be provided).

CREATE TABLE sample_table(a int not null, b text not null);
INSERT INTO sample_table VALUES (1,row1),(2,row2),(3,row3);

COPY (SELECT * FROM sample_table ORDER BY 1)
TO 's3://bucket_name/data_directory/' TYPE=CSV FILE_NAME_PREFIX='sample'

COPY (SELECT * FROM sample_table ORDER BY 1)
TO 's3://bucket_name/data_directory/' TYPE=PARQUET FILE_NAME_PREFIX='sample'

Schema and format discovery (target table does not exist)

COPY target_csv_0 FROM 's3://bucket_name/data_directory/sample.csv'

SELECT * FROM target_csv_0 ORDER BY 1;
1 row1
2 row2
3 row3

No schema discovery

Target table exists, read by name, using pattern.

CREATE TABLE target_csv_1 (b text not null, a int not null);

COPY target_csv_1 FROM 's3://bucket_name/data_directory/'

SELECT * FROM target_csv_1 ORDER BY 1;
row1 1
row2 2
row3 3

Read by name mismatch

None of the columns [not_a, not_b] exists in csv file so they all get null values.

CREATE TABLE target_csv_2 (not_a int not null, not_b text not null);

COPY target_csv_2 FROM 's3://bucket_name/data_directory/sample.csv'
ERROR: The INSERT INTO statement failed because it tried to insert a NULL into the column not_a, which is NOT NULL. Please specify a value or redefine the column's logical constraints.

Allow errors

Read by name mismatch results empty.

CREATE TABLE target_csv_2_a (not_a int not null, not_b text not null);

COPY target_csv_2_a FROM 's3://bucket_name/data_directory/sample.csv'

SELECT * FROM target_csv_2_a;

| not_a (INTEGER) | not_b (TEXT) |

Insert into nullable columns

Read by name mismatch, no error allowed, insert null into nullable columns.

CREATE TABLE target_csv_2_b (not_a int null, not_b text null);

COPY target_csv_2_b FROM 's3://bucket_name/data_directory/sample.csv'

SELECT * FROM target_csv_2_b;
not_a (INTEGER) not_b (TEXT)

No header

Read the header row (a,b) into the table as a data row.

CREATE TABLE target_csv_3 (not_a int not null, not_b text not null);

COPY target_csv_3 FROM 's3://bucket_name/data_directory/sample.csv'
ERROR: Unable to cast text 'a' to integer

Header row will be sent into error file, and the other data rows will be ingested in sequential order (because HEADER=FALSE).

COPY target_csv_3 FROM 's3://bucket_name/data_directory/sample.csv'
WITH HEADER=FALSE MAX_ERRORS_PER_FILE='100%' error_file='s3://bucket_name/error_directory/';

SELECT * FROM target_csv_3 ORDER BY 1;
not_a (INTEGER) not_b (TEXT)
1 row1
2 row2
3 row3

Let’s view the error reasons file that was generated:

COPY error_reasons_0 FROM 's3://bucket_name/error_directory/' 
WITH PATTERN='*error_reasons*.csv' HEADER=TRUE;

SELECT * from error_reasons_0;
file_name (TEXT) source_line_num (BIGINT) error_message (TEXT)
data_directory/sample.csv 1 Error while casting

Let’s view the error reasons file that was generated:

COPY rejected_rows FROM 's3://bucket_name/error_directory/'
WITH PATTERN='*rejected_rows*.csv' HEADER=FALSE;

SELECT * FROM rejected_rows;
f0 (TEXT) f1 (TEXT)
a b

Column selection

Source column a mapped (inserted) into target column b. Source column c mapped (inserted) into target column a with a default value (in case there is any null value). Column c does not exist, hence it generates nulls that is replaced by the default value 44.

CREATE TABLE target_csv_4 (a int, b text);

COPY target_csv_4(b a, a default 44 c) FROM 's3://bucket_name/data_directory/sample.csv'

SELECT * FROM target_csv_4 ORDER BY 1;
44 1
44 2
44 3

Type mismatch error with parquet format

CREATE TABLE target_parquet_1 (a date not null, b text not null);

COPY target_parquet_1 FROM 's3://bucket_name/data_directory/sample.parquet'
WITH TYPE=PARQUET MAX_ERRORS_PER_FILE='100%' ERROR_FILE='s3://bucket_name/parquet_error_directory/';

SELECT count(*) as num_rows FROM target_parquet_1;
num_rows (BIGINT)

Let’s view the error reasons:

COPY error_reasons_1 FROM 's3://bucket_name/parquet_error_directory/'
WITH PATTERN='*error_reasons*.csv' HEADER=TRUE;

SELECT * FROM error_reasons_1;
file_name (TEXT) source_line_num (BIGINT) error_message (TEXT)
data_directory/sample.parquet 0 Can not assignment cast column a from type integer null to type date null

There is no rejected rows as this was a file based error.

COPY rejected_rows_1 FROM 's3://bucket_name/parquet_error_directory/'
WITH PATTERN='*rejected_rows*.csv' HEADER=FALSE;
ERROR: No file found in s3 bucket: local-dev-bucket, pattern: rejected_rows*.csv. check url and object pattern.

Metadata columns

CREATE TABLE target_csv_5 (a int not null, b text not null);

COPY target_csv_5(a, b $source_file_name) FROM 's3://bucket_name/data_directory/sample.csv'

SELECT * FROM target_csv_5 ORDER BY 1;
1 data_directory/sample.csv
2 data_directory/sample.csv
3 data_directory/sample.csv

Multiple URLs

Multiple directories:

COPY target_table FROM 
WITH pattern='*.csv';

Multiple single files:

COPY target_table FROM 