Get started with Firebolt

Welcome to the beginning of your journey with Firebolt! This tutorial guides you through all of the steps you need to run a basic workflow which includes setting up your Firebolt account, creating a database and engine, importing a sample dataset, creating indexes, and running a query. If you encounter any issues, reach out to for help.

To get started, you must register and create a Firebolt account. Then, you can either use the Develop Space inside the Firebolt Workspace, or use the Load data wizard to create a database and engine, and load data. Then, you can run your first query to obtain baseline performance statistics. Next, you can tune your workflow using Firebolt’s optimization strategies to reduce query run times. You can set a primary index and use aggregating indexes to speed up your query times significantly. Lastly, you can export your data to an external table. These steps are illustrated in the following workflow:

Get Started

After you register, you can either use the Load data wizard or the use SQL. Use the Load data wizard if your data is in either CSV or Parquet format, and you want to use a graphical user interface to guide you through the first three steps of the workflow. Use the Firebolt Develop Space or an API if you prefer to enter SQL, or need a more customized workflow.

Next steps

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