Information schema for schemata

You can use the information_schema.schemata view to return information about schemas available in the database. You can use a SELECT query to return information about each schema as shown in the example below.


Columns in information_schema.schemata

Each row has the following columns with information about the schema.

Column Name Data Type Description  
catalog_name TEXT Name of the catalog.  
schema_name TEXT Name of the schema.  
schema_owner TEXT Owner of the schema.  
default_character_set_catalog TEXT The catalog that contains the character set. Defaults to NULL.  
default_character_set_schema TEXT The schema that contains the character set. Defaults to NULL.  
default_character_set_name TEXT Default character set of the schema. Defaults to UTF-8.  
sql_path TEXT SQL path of the schema.  
description TEXT Description of the schema.