Information schema for engine metering history

You can use the information_schema.engine_metering_history view to return information about each engine’s FBU consumed over time in an account. See Engine Consumption for more details on consumption, nodes, and FBU. It is often useful to filter this view to a particular engine. In the example below, a filter is applied to look at the history of engines starting with capacity_test_. By default, shows hourly data from the last 30 days.

  engine_name LIKE 'capacity_test_%'

Columns in information_schema.engine_metering_history

Each row has the following columns with information about each engine.

Column Name Data Type Description
engine_name TEXT The last known name of the engine. Either reflects the current name or the name at time of deletion.
start_hour TIMESTAMPTZ Start time for the hour.
end_hour TIMESTAMPTZ End time for the hour.
consumed_FBU TEXT Firebolt units consumed within the hour based on the the duration the engine has been running.