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Updates the configuration of the specified engine.


ALTER ENGINE <engine_name> SET
    [AUTO_START = <true/false>]
    [AUTO_STOP = <minutes>]
    [DEFAULT_DATABASE = <database_name>]
    [CLUSTERS = <clusters>]
    [NODES = <nodes>]
    [TYPE = <type>]
    [RENAME TO <new_name>]
    [AUTO_STOP = <true/false>]


Parameter Description
<engine_name> The name of the engine to be altered.
AUTO_START = <true/false> When true, sending a query to a stopped engine will start the engine before processing the query.
AUTO_STOP = <minutes> Indicates the amount of time (in minutes) after which the engine automatically stops.
Setting the minutes to 0 indicates that AUTO_STOP is disabled.
DEFAULT_DATABASE = <database_name> The database an engine will attempt to use by default when dealing with queries that require a database.
To remove the default database, set DEFAULT_DATABASE=default.
TYPE =<type> The type of node used by the engine. Can be one of ‘S’, ‘M’, ‘L’ or ‘XL’.
NODES = <nodes> The number of nodes for each cluster in an engine. Can be an integer ranging from 1 to 128.
CLUSTERS = <clusters> Collection of nodes, where each node is of a certain type. All the clusters in an engine have the same type and same number of nodes.
RENAME TO <new_name> Indicates the new name for the engine. No other parameters are allowed during an engine rename.
AUTO_START = <true/false> When true, If the engine is stopped, it will be automatically started when a query is sent to the engine endpoint.

If not specified, true is used as default.


  • The number of clusters per engine is limited to two.
  • The number of nodes per cluster is limited to ten.
  • When you scale a running engine (vertically or horizontally), new queries after the scaling operation will be directed to a new cluster. Queries running on the old clusters will be run to completion. The clusters will wait for up to 24 hours for running queries to finish. After 24 hours, any queries still running may not run to completion.

If you would like to remove any of these limitations, reach out to Firebolt Support.

Example 1

The following example allows the users to scale out an engine by setting the engine’s NODES to 3:


Example 2

The following example allows the users to scale up an engine from Small to Large by setting the engine’s TYPE to L:

ALTER ENGINE my_engine SET TYPE = "L";

Example 3

The following example allows the users to both scale up and scale out an engine by changing the number of nodes and the node type:

ALTER ENGINE my_engine SET TYPE = "L" NODES = 5;


Change the owner of an engine. The current owner of an engine can be viewed in the information_schema.engines view on engine_owner column.

check ownership page for more info.


ALTER ENGINE <engine_name> OWNER TO <user>


Parameter Description
<engine_name> The name of the engine to change the owner of.
<user> The new owner of the engine.